Greetings beautiful spirits!
Today is April 1st aka April Fool's Day and I saw my new family doctor whose name is April! How cute is that?! Yeah so I think it's cute. Bleh!
Moving right along, as some of you have read I have been in pain since my journey began and no one seemed to give a flying freaking duck about it. I did try a couple of homeopathic remedies but I was still in pain like "what the h*** man?"Today is April 1st aka April Fool's Day and I saw my new family doctor whose name is April! How cute is that?! Yeah so I think it's cute. Bleh!
I'm not really into "the man's drugs" aka prescription medications but *In my best R. Kelly voice* "My mind was telling me NO but my body, my body was telling YES!" so I took those GOOD drugs Ms. April prescribed me today with a SMILE! I really like my new physician, not because of the drugs but because she LISTENED to me and took the time to converse with me about my disease. She also said she would do what she could to help me find a new neurologist who is a better fit for me. Yay! :)
On a not so high note, the mention of my having Systemic Lupus has come up again. This isn't the first time this has come up and it makes me a bit uneasy because I know there is a possibility to be diagnosed with both diseases. The problem is Lupus mimics other diseases and MS can also mimic other diseases. I had a positive Lupus test but no one revisited the Lupus after the last neurologist. He said he was going to run another test but I never heard anything back because everything was focused on the MS. A lot of my other symptoms mimic SLE symptoms so I've had a couple of physicians question the possibility of both diseases being present.

I asked for Lyme Disease man! I got MS now they're back with more foolery. I REFUSE! LOL! I'll take conjunctivitis for $500 Alex!
My MS just has some Lupus tendencies. ;)
Meanwhile back at the ranch...
She prescribed me Neurontin - Gabapentin is an anti-epileptic used to control some types of seizures in epilepsy. It is used in multiple sclerosis to control dysesthesias (pain caused by MS lesions) and the pain caused by spasticity.
She also prescribed Lioresal (Baclofen) - Baclofen acts on the central nervous system to relieve spasms, cramping, and tightness of muscles caused by spasticity in multiple sclerosis.People with MS are usually started on an initial dose of 5 mg every six to eight hours. If necessary, the amount is increased by 5 mg per dose every five days until symptoms improve. The goal of treatment is to find a dosage level that relieves spasticity without causing excessive weakness or fatigue. The effective dose may vary from 15 mg to 160 mg per day or more.
I started the Neurontin tonight because she said it might help with my hands turning into a personal furnace (especially at bedtime). They're red right now but they aren't as hot but that doesn't mean anything because my symptoms vary. It's also supposed to help with pain, I'm not feeling much of a difference I'm just sleepy but it's just night #1. I'm going to keep hope alive plus I read in one of the forums tonight the combination of both meds together tends to work better.
I'll keep you posted on how the meds work out for me or don't. I still haven't received the Copaxone yet... *Le sigh*
I'm going to write about my Solu-Medrol experience soon but alas I must retire, this stuff makes me sleepy.
I hope everyone created a beautiful day, did something new or at least shared a smile. I'm sending hugs out into the universe. Dream sweet.
One love, warm light
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