Sunday, March 16, 2014

Who Am I? :)

I just realized I haven't introduced myself in case someone who doesn't know me comes along! 
Hello, I'm Nico or Nicky to some. Some people are probably wondering about the name of the blog
, "MS Brown", it will all make sense as I move along in my journey. 
I have Multiple Sclerosis, Raynaud's Phenomenom (we'll get to that. LOL!) and a few other things. SMH
I displayed symptoms prior to my official diagnosis but I was told they were due to other reasons. I didn't argue because the physicians were able to tie them into either my very active workout regime, my osteoarthritis, my chronic migraines or my asthma.
I am writing about my journey because it's important to me to share my experience so hopefully someone else can be helped but sooner. We have to be VERY proactive about our health, we know our bodies better than anyone else and we can't rely on physicians to do it all for us. A friend recently reminded me of a good point, a person can read about someone else's experience and take on their symptoms... I implore you to make a symptoms list PRIOR to reading all of my post if you are in the diagnosis phase or suspect you have an immune-mediated or auto-immune disease. The mind can be tricky and sometimes we adopt from others because we are already in a space where we feel lost and desperately seeking answers. Those who are educated about MS (or any auto-immune disease and by the way MS is considered by some experts as an immune-mediated disease rather than an auto-immune disease) I hope will share with compassion. Again, some of us are new to this.  I don't mind post about auto-immune diseases in here but please understand this space was created for the MS journey so I ask those posting keep this in mind. I open this with love and I hope we can all learn and grow from this. Everyone is welcome! Thank you for reading this! I'll begin somewhere in my journey on my next post.

***Most of all, I want to kick MS ASS! 

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