Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Low Vitamin D Levels Linked To More Severe Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

I was reading as I usually am and I saw this article about MS patients with lower Vitamin D levels having more severe MS symptoms. Interesting...
I personally was told to up my supplement to 5,000 IU's. I'm curious about how much Vitamin D other MS patients are taking and what their levels were on their last lab test. I don't know what the very last lab results showed but the second lab test showed my level dropped to 16.9 from 21 even though I was taking 500 IU's of Vitamin D as prescribed. I can't say the additional Vitamin D has helped but I can't say it hurt either. I was reading they believe there is a link to low Vitamin D levels and MS. Well, I ran across an article that states magnesium deficiencies are related to MS. FASCINATING since I've suffered with both! The magnesium however was for a very short period of time, like one month. I've struggled more with my potassium.
Hmmm.... Low Vitamin D Levels Linked To More Severe Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms

Be blessed in all you do and remember to smile!

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