Sunday, March 16, 2014

My "GLAUC-Y" (glaucoma) eyes!!!

The start of my 5 month journey to a clear diagnosis... 
Around the end of October 2013 I experienced a really nasty sinus infection, it took me about three weeks to shake it. I experienced hair and weight loss during this time period but the hair loss had happened before only I thought it was due to medication. My insomnia increased from the usual 5 or 6 hrs of sleep to about 4 1/2 hrs per night. Moving forward - November is when things began to kind of spiral out of control, I will attempt to shorten these post by using date spans so it isn't too confusing. If you have questions just ask me.
My symptoms -
Nov 12th - 19th
●I suffered from frequent Headaches (Odd because I am a migraine sufferer and take a daily migraine medicine)
●I developed a bad unexplained itch back in 2012 but it increased - I'd itch and scratch like crazy at odd times, ESPECIALLY right before bed. It became worse around this time, typically only my legs (mostly my lower legs and inner thighs), arms or buttocks would itch but now even my scalp itched *Station break* Can you imagine your buttocks itching like crazy at like 2 AM and you can't sleep? Wait, can you imagine telling someone the reason you're up is because you're scratching your... Uhh, yeah...
●Dry, red, eyes with pain (started in both eyes), I thought I was suffering from eye strain
● (The crazy sh*t) I started seeing bugs (gnats I thought) that weren't actually there. No, I'm NOT kidding, objects looked like they were moving when they weren't. Phew!
●I lost my balance and fell down at a fundraiser unexpectedly on the 16th
●My left eye felt better by the 19th but the right eye felt worse, I couldn't
look up, down, left or right without pain. It hurt to bend down then stand up. it hurt to to touch it (stabbing pain)
●Chronic runny nose
●More weird sh*t ! - I felt heat on my skin when there was nothing there, literally like hot water on me or a heated device against my skin
●I felt what I thought were spider webs or lint on my face when nothing was there
● I set up an eye exam because I had already tested suspect for glaucoma and thought that might be the culprit

Nov 20th - Nov 23rd
●I realize the vision in my right eye is worsening rapidly
●Nov 21st - Eye exam
My pressure reading isn't bad and my CD is 0.6 meaning I'm pre-glaucoma. This still doesn't explain the vision loss
●Nov 23rd - I return to the vision center for retinal photos and a follow up because I can no longer see out of my right eye
I see a different optometrist this visit and he says basically the same thing as the first even with the retinal photos, he could only add that the nerves in my right eye showed slight damage. He thought maybe I had a sinus infection but basically he had NO clue!

To be continued...

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