Sunday, March 16, 2014

Nov. Continued... The floor is wet! Wait, no it isn't! Yes it is! No it isn't! SMH

November 24th - Dec 2nd
●Nov. 24th and 25th - I woke up both days feeling like a truck had run me over about 50 times! I felt kind of like I was coming down with the flu again actually.
I called my PCP on the 25th only to find out she had left the practice with no forwarding info (what in THEE hell?)! They told me I could be seen by another physician there so I was scheduled to see the owner of the practice on 11/27.
●**News of the weird** I keep thinking the carpet is wet! I'm walking through the house and I think I've stepped on a wet spot, I go back to check it and it's DRY! This had happened a few times before but now I'm paying attention because it's becoming a habit. Why does the floor feel wet when it's dry? (I'll explain this in another post)
●11/26 - I contacted the vision center asking for my retina photos and my report, I also placed a complaint about the service (another story). I was asked by the manager of the store to come in and allow the optometrist to take a look at my eyes again free of charge, I agree.
**I forgot to mention by this time I realized on my own it is a floater blocking the entire field of vision in my right eye. Floaters are not uncommon in people who are nearsighted but they shouldn't be painful and look like cobwebs, black spots or lace veils that totally block your view.
At this time I have pain radiating from my left shoulder down to my left thumb. I also experienced intense tingling through my arms and legs (this tingling branches out to my fingertips and toes). My legs would suddenly stiffen and ache.
●11/27 - Before my appointment with the PCP I return to the vision center only to see the second optometrist I saw previously. He examines me again and is still stumped. He decides we should call a specialist. We call an eye clinic, I speak with two ophthalmologist who also tell me they think it's a sinus infection. *Insert WTH face here* I leave irritated and head over to see the PCP.
I arrive at the PCP's office and he does everything but knocks me unconscious with that mallet looking thing but we both agree, this is NOT a sinus infection! He decides I should have blood test to rule out the usual venereal/viral infections and to check for diseases such as Systemic Lupus. He also orders a CAT Scan to rule out an aneurysm which gave me a quick scare because one of my cousin's had to have a tumor removed from her brain.
I asked him to treat me for a sinus infection just for safety precautions and left.
●My left arm still hurts, I can barely move middle finger without pain and stiffness
●11/28 - Who has to go? Oh I do! Sudden urges to use the bathroom increase without warning, you better be close to the bathroom or prepare to let it "rain"
●My feet are ALWAYS cold, ALWAYS
12/2 I received a call telling me my Vitamin D was low and I need to take 500 IU per day. I was asked to come in and was set up with an appointment to see a neurologist ophthalmologist
I took all of the "Avelox" 400 MG (antibiotic) and "crap" "Norel AD", none of it worked. My eye still felt like someone was stabbing me in it all day and my limbs felt like they were having contractions while someone strummed against my nerves like guitar strings.
The Vitamin D deficiency is major in this journey that's why I included my greasy (sorry about that) lab report. I will discuss that part on this blog as well.
To be continued...

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